Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
Christchurch Polytechnic Instritute of Technology (CPIT) je jedným z najväčších novozélandských vzdelávacích inštitúcií terciárneho vzdelávania. CPIT navštevuje asi 30.000 študentov za rok a nachádza sa v meste zvanom Christchurch.
Inštitút vznikol po uvedomení si toho, že Novozélanďania potrebujú viac než teóriu akademickej obce. Predovšetkým praktické a technické odbory a vzdelávania.
Medzi prvými odbormi v roku 1906 boli algebra, meranie, geometria a aritmetika. Veľmi skoro sa zaviedli obchodné školenia vrátane výučby montáže a sústruženia, certifikačná výučba inštalatérov.
V priebehu minulého storočia sa stala Christchurch polytechnic Institute of Technology najväčšou polytechnickou inštitúciou na Južnom ostrove, a štvrtou najväčšou z 23. na Novom Zélande.
CPIT ponúka mnoho kvalifikácií, ktoré sú registrované v Národnom ústave kvalifikácií. Poskytujú aj školenia na najmodernejších zariadeniach. Tieto programy sú navrhnuté tak, aby zabezpečili plynulý prechod študentov od štúdia na pracovisko prostredníctvom:
• Stáže
• Pracovných skúsenosti
• Praktických tréningov
CPIT zdôrazňuje „aplikované“ učenie, ktoré predstavuje teoretické vzdelávanie v kombinácii s hands-on prístupom. Úspech prístupu „aplykovaného učenia“ je potvrdený podľa počtu zamestnávateľov, ktorí dávajú prednosť CPIT- vyškolených zamestnancov. Programy na CPIT sú navrhnuté tak, aby absolventa viedli od vzdelávania k zamestnaniu v študentovom odbore. Mnohé z programov na CPIT možno študovať na čiastočný úväzok, počas dňa, večer a cez víkend, a popri tom pracovať vo svojej práci.
Telocvičňa, kníhkupectvá, kaviarne, zdravotné stredisko a parkovisko, CPIT má všetky služby a vybavenie, ktoré by ste očakávali pri hlavnej inštitúcie terciárneho vzdelávania.
Na Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology môžete študovať:
- architektonické štúdiá (architektonická technológia, riadenie stavebníctva, zameriavanie, interiérový dizajn) – 1-3 roky, 17.785 – 18.330 NZ $/rok, IELTS 6-6,5,, level 4-7
- umenie a dizajn (dizajn- výtvarné umenie, komunikačný alebo multimediálny dizajn, technológie a dizajn, fotografia) – 1-3 roky, 18.330 NZ $/rok, IELTS 5,5-6, level 4-7
- obchod (aplikované riadenie, účtovníctvo, obchodné informačné systémy, transformácia a zmena podnikania, event manažment, riadenie ľudských zdrojov, inovácie a podnikanie, riadenie prevádzky a výroby, projektový manažment, predaj a marketing, účtovníctvo, podnikanie, marketing, biznis správa …) – 1-3 roky, 16.170 – 18.330 NZ $/rok, IELTS 5,5-6, level 4-7
- komunikácia a médiá (komunikácia, online dizajn, digitálne video a postprodukcia) – 1-3 roky, 12.075 – 20.495 NZ $/rok, IELTS 6,5-8, level 6-7
- spoločnosť a zdravie (pôrodníctvo, ošetrovateľstvo, sociálna práca, duševné zdravie ) – 1-3 roky, 18.050- 25.900 NZ $/rok, IELTS 5,5-6, level 4-7
- výpočtové a komunikačné technológie ( komunikačné technológie, informačné a komunikačné tech., správa systému) – 0,5-3 roky, 8.625-18.850 NZ $/rok, IELTS 5,5-6, level 4-7
- strojárstvo a dizajn (elektronická technológia, počítačové siete…) – 20 týždňov- 3 roky, 17.785 – 18.330 NZ $/rok, IELTS 5,5-6, level 4-7
- stravovanie (manažment stravovania, pečenie, varenie, reštaurácie a vínný a bar servis, …) – 22 týždňov-3 roky, 10.350- 17.250 NZ $/rok, IELTS 5,5-6, level 4-7
- múzické umenie (hudobné umenie) -3 roky, 17.785 NZ $/rok, IELTS 6,5, level 7
- vzdelávanie a cestovný ruch (vonkajšie prostredie, školstvo, životné prostredie, turizmus, lyžovanie a snowboarding …) – 0,5-3 roky, 9.165 -18.330 NZ $/rok, IELTS 5,5-6, level 4-7
- veda (aplikované vedy- pohybové aktivity, zdravie a wellness, šport a cvičenie, laboratórna technológia, ošetrovateľstvo, starostlivosť …) – 6 mesiacov-3 roky, 8.350 – 18.690 NZ $/rok, IELTS 6 -6,5, level 4-7
Jednotlivé odbory môžete študovať na rôznych úrovniach, ktoré končia certifikátom, diplomom alebo bakalárskym diplomom.
Course Name | level | IELTS | Fee / Year | Duration |
Architectural Studies | ||||
Bachelor of Architectural | 7 | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,330 | 3 years |
Studies | ||||
National Diploma in Architectural | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 2 year |
Technology | ||||
National Diploma in Construction | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 17,785 | 2 year |
Management | ||||
National Diploma in Quantity | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 17,785 | 2 year |
Surveying | ||||
Diploma in Interior Design | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 1 year |
(Residential) | ||||
Certificate in Interior Décor | 4 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 1 year |
Arts and Design | ||||
Bachelor of Design (Specialisation: | 7 | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,330 | 3 years |
Applied Visual Art, Visual | ||||
Communication Design or | ||||
Multimedia Design) | ||||
Diploma in Fashion | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 2 years |
Technology & Design | ||||
Diploma in Professional | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 1 year |
Photography | ||||
Diploma in Photographic | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 1 year |
Imaging | ||||
Certificate in Design | 4 | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,330 | 1 year |
Certificate in Fashion | 4 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 1 year |
Technology & Design | ||||
Business | ||||
Bachelor of Applied | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 16,170 | 3 years |
Management | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 16,800 | 1 year |
Accounting | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 16,800 | 1 year |
Business Information | ||||
Systems | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 16,800 | 1 year |
Business Transformation | ||||
& Change | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 16,800 | 1 year |
Event Management | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 16,800 | 1 year |
Human Resource Management | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 16,800 | 1 year |
Innovation & Entrepreneurship | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 16,800 | 1 year |
Operations & Production | ||||
Management | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 16,800 | 1 year |
Project Management | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 16,800 | 1 year |
Sales and Marketing | ||||
Diploma in Accounting | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 16,170 | 1 year |
Diploma in Human | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 16,170 | 1 year |
Resource Management | ||||
Diploma in Business | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 16,170 | 1 year |
Diploma in Marketing | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 16,170 | 1 year |
New Zealand Diploma | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 16,170 | 2 years |
in Business | ||||
New Zealand Diploma in | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 16,170 | 2 years |
Business for Accounting | ||||
Technicians | ||||
New Zealand Diploma in | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 16,170 | 2 years |
Management | ||||
Certificate in Business | 4 | 6 | NZ$ 16,170 | 1 year |
Administration | ||||
Communications and Media | ||||
Bachelor of Broadcasting | 7 | 6.5 | NZ$ 19,790 | 3 years |
Communications | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 7 | 8 | NZ$ 12,075 | 1 year |
Information Design (online) | ||||
Diploma in Digital Video | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 20,495 | 1 year |
Post Production | ||||
Community and Health | ||||
Bachelor of Midwifery | 7 | 7 | NZ$ 25,900 | 3 years |
Bachelor of Medical | 7 | 6.5 | NZ$ 20,200 | 3 years |
Imaging | ||||
Bachelor of Nursing | 7 | 6.5 | NZ$ 20,200 | 3 years |
Bachelor of Social Work | 7 | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,250 | 3 years |
National Diploma in | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 1,5 years |
Mental Health | ||||
National Certificate in | 4 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 1 year |
Mental Health | ||||
Certificate in Human | 4 | 6 | NZ$ 18,050 | 1 year |
Services | ||||
Computing and ICT | ||||
Bachelor of Information & | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 17,250 | 3 years |
Communication Technologies | ||||
Graduate Diploma in Information | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 18,850 | 3 years |
& Communication Technologies | ||||
Diploma in Information | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 17,250 | 3 years |
& Communication Technologies | ||||
Certificate in Information | 4 | 5.5 | NZ$ 8,625 | 6 months |
& Communication Technologies | ||||
Certificate in Systems | 4 | 6 | NZ$ 8,625 | 6 months |
Administration | ||||
Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical; Computer & Design | ||||
Bachelor of Engineering | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 3 years |
Technology (Civil, Electrical, | ||||
Mechanical) | ||||
NZ Diploma in Engineering | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 2 years |
Technology (Civil, Electrical, | ||||
Mechanical) | ||||
Diploma in Advanced Computer | 6 | 5 | NZ$ 17,785 | 1 year |
Aided Design | ||||
Diploma in Computer Aided | 5 | 5 | NZ$ 17,785 | 1 year |
Design | ||||
Diploma in Computer | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 2 years |
Networking | ||||
Certificate in Computer | 4 | 5 | NZ$ 17,785 | 1 year |
Aided Design | ||||
Certificate in Computer | 5 | 5 | NZ$ 17,785 | 20 weeks |
Technicians | ||||
Food and Hospitality | ||||
National Diploma in Hospitality | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 17,250 | 2 years |
Management | ||||
Diploma in Professional | 6 | 5 | NZ$ 17,250 | 1 year |
Cookery | ||||
Certificate in Cookery for | 4 | 5 | NZ$ 17,250 | 1 year |
the Hospitality Industry | ||||
National Certificate in Baking | 4 | 5.5 | NZ$ 17,250 | 1 year |
Cert in Hotel Front Office | 4 | 5.5 | NZ$ 17,250 | 1 year |
Operations | ||||
Certificate in Professional | 4 | 5 | NZ$ 17,250 | 1 year |
Restaurant, Wine & Bar Service | ||||
Certificate in Café Bar | 4 | 5 | NZ$ 10,350 | 22 weeks |
Service | ||||
Performing Arts | ||||
Bachelor of Performing Arts | 7 | 6.5 | NZ$ 17,785 | 3 years |
(Musical Arts) | ||||
Outdoor Education and Travel | ||||
Bachelor of Sustainability & | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 3 years |
Outdoor Education | ||||
Graduate Diploma in Sustainability | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 1 year |
& Outdoor Education | ||||
Graduate Diploma in Environmental | 7 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 1 year |
& Outdoor Education | ||||
Graduate Certificate in | 7 | 6.5 | NZ$ 9,165 | 6 months |
Environmental & Outdoor | ||||
Leadership | ||||
Diploma in Environmental | 6 | 6 | NZ$ 18,330 | 1 year |
& Outdoor Leadership | ||||
Certificate in Outdoor | 4 | 5 | NZ$ 9,165 | 1 year |
Recreation | ||||
Certificate in Ski & Snowboard | 4 | 5.5 | NZ$ 8,350 | 6 months |
Instruction | ||||
Certificate in Travel Operations | 4 | 5.5 | NZ$ 16,170 | 1 year |
Science | ||||
Bachelor of Applied Science | 7 | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,690 | 3 years |
(Specialisations in Physical Activity, | ||||
Health & Wellness, Sports & Exercise | ||||
Science, Laboratory Technology) | ||||
Graduate Diploma in Laboratory | 7 | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,690 | 1 year |
Technology | ||||
Certificate in Pre Health & | 4 | 6 | NZ$ 7,000 | 6 months |
Science | ||||
Certificate in Fitness | 4 | 6 | NZ$ 9,150 | 6 months |
National Certificate in Veterinary | 4 | 6 | NZ$ 16,705 | 1 year |
Nursing | ||||
National Certificate in Animal | 4 | 6 | NZ$ 8,350 | 6 months |
Care |
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