Unitec Institute of Technology
Či už ste absolventom, ktorý sa pripravuje na svoje prvé zamestnanie, alebo človek, ktorý sa chce vrátiť do zamestnania, vysokoškolské kvalifikácie z Unitec predstavujú obrovský majetok. Pre zamestnávateľa predstavuje vaše vzdelanie viac ako akademické vzdelanie – stelesňuje tiež skúsenosti nadobudnuté v reálnom svete.
UTT predstavuje učenie prostredníctvom práce a skúseností, pričom v praxi môže študent výrazne aplikovať teóriu zo školských lavíc a získať lepšiu predstavu o riešení skutočných situácií. A pretože reálny svet sa mení z minúty na minútu, cieľom programov UTT je pripraviť myslenie študentov na dopredu očakávané aj neočakávané udalosti a formovať prístup, ktorý bude inovatívny a inšpirujúci. To je dôvod, prečo viac ako 23.000 študentov z viac ako 80 krajín sveta si vyberá štúdium na Unitec.
Unitec stavia teda na inovácii a podnikaní. Unitec vzdelávanie prebieha v štyroch areáloch, ktoré sú enormne obohatené o rozmanitosti etnicity, kultúry, osobnosti a ašpirácií medzi študentmi a zamestnancami. Je to tiež skvelé prostredie pre učenie.
Areál Mt. Albert je jedným z najzelenších miest v Aucklande (ako fyzicky, tak filozoficky) – v skutočnosti sa nachádza iba 10 minút od centrálnej obchodnej štvrti najväčšieho mesta Nového Zélandu. V blízkosti je aj kampus Waitakere, Henderson, v ktorej je založená silná West Auckland komunita. Nedávno bol rozšírený areál o nové state-of-art centrum učenia a knižnicu. Mnohé zo zariadení UTT sú využívané aj mestskými obyvateľmi Waitakere. Areál North Shore poskytuje obyvateľom prístup k odbornému vzdelávaniu na svetovej úrovni. Školský areál Newmarket je najmenší a najmladší areál, ktorý sa nachádza v pomerne živej nákupnej oblasti.
Čo možno študovať prostredníctvom UTT?
- účtovníctvo a financie (podnikanie, financie, biznis…) 0,5-3 roky, 8.250 – 20.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 5,5-6
- architektúra 18 mesiacov -3 roky, 18.000 – 21.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 6- 6,5
- stavebné technológie (aplikovaná technológia- budovy, práca s drevom, nábytok a stolárstvo, staviteľstvo) 17 týždňov -3 roky, 9.000 – 18.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 5-6
- inžinierske siete (technológia, zameriavanie) 2-3 roky, 18.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 6
- komunikačné štúdiá (event manažment, mediálne štúdiá, mediálne umenie, komunikácia, medzinárodná komunikácia) 0,5-3 roky, 18.500 – 20.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 6,5
- výpočtová technika a informačné technológie (počítačové systémy, správa biznis systémov, technológia, počítačové systémy a inžinierstvo, podpora informačných technológií, počítače …) 0,5-3 roky, 8.500 – 21.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 5,5-6,5
- stavba (stavebníctvo, architektonické technológie, stavebný dozor, stavebný manažment…) 2 roky, 18.000 – 18.500 NZ$/rok, IELTS 6
- dizajn a výtvarné umenie (dizajn a vizuál, grafický dizajn a animácie, interiérový dizajn, fotografie- umenie a médiá, dizajn nábytku a produktu, výtvarné umenie …) 0,5 -3 roky, 17.000 – 21.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 5,5-6,5
- elektrotechnika (aplikovaná technológia – elektrotechnika, audio-vizuálne techniky. elektrické inžinierstvo …) 1-3 roky, 18.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 5,5-6
- záhradná a krajinná architektúra (krajinná architektúra. dizajn krajiny) 1,5-4 roky, 18.000 – 21.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 6- 6,5
- manažment a marketing (riadenie podnikania, marketing podnikania, manažment, biznis, obchodný manažment, manažment podnikania, predajca nehnuteľností …) 12 týždňov-3 roky, 3.139 – 19.500 NZ$/rok, IELTS 6- 6,5
- lekársky image (zdravotnícka veda, technológia lekárskeho žiarenia, vzdelanie a dohľad, mamografia) 1-3 roky, 10.000 – 20.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 6,5
- prírodné vedy (aplikované veda, manažment biodiverzity, klinická starostlivosť o zvieratá, správanie psov, …) 1-3 roky, 17.000 – 18.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 6
- ošetrovateľstvo a osteopatia (ošetrovateľstvo, osteopatia, biológia človeka, zdravotníctvo) 1-3 roky, 18.000 – 21.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 6,5
- múzické umenie a screen art (divadlo, tanec, réžia, umenie, hudba, technológia, kreatívna prax …) 1-3 roky, 16.800 – 18.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 5- 6,5
- sociálna prax (poradenstvo, sociálna práca, spoločenstvo…) 0,5-3 roky, 8.500 – 20.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 5,5 – 6,5
- šport (koučovanie, riadenie, telesná výchova, fitness vzdelávanie) 0,5-3 roky, 18.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 6
- cestovný ruch 1 rok, 18.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 6
- dopravná technika (automobilová technológia a inžinierstvo, strojárstvo, aplikovaná technológia, stavba lodí, inžinierske systémy, zváranie a výroba) 1-3 roky, 18.000 NZ$/rok, IELTS 5,5 – 6)
Course Name | IELTS | Fee Per | Duration | |
req. | Year | |||
Accounting & Finance | ||||
Bachelor of Business | 6 | NZ$ 16,500 | 3 years | |
(Accountancy) | ||||
Bachelor of Business | 6 | NZ$ 16,500 | 3 years | |
(Finance) | ||||
Certificate in Business | 5.5 | NZ$ 8,250 | ½ year | |
(Introduction) | ||||
Diploma in Professional | 6 | NZ$ 17,000 | 1 year | |
Accountancy | ||||
New Zealand Diploma in | 6 | NZ$ 20,000 | 2 years | |
Business – Accounting | ||||
Architecture | ||||
Bachelor of Architectural | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Studies | ||||
Master of Architecture | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,500 | 2 years | |
(Professional) | ||||
Master of Architecture | 6.5 | NZ$ 21,000 | 18 months | |
Building Technology | ||||
Bachelor of Applied | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Technology – Building | ||||
Certificate in Applied | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Technology (Carpentry) | ||||
Certificate in Applied | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Technology (Furniture | ||||
and Cabinet making) | ||||
Certificate in Multi skills | 5.0 | NZ$ 9,000 | 17 wks | |
Building Construction |
Civil Engineering | ||||
Bachelor of Engineering | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Technology (Civil) | ||||
National Diploma in | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
Surveying | ||||
New Zealand Diploma in | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
Engineering (Civil) | ||||
Communication Studies | ||||
Bachelor of Communication | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,500 | 3 years | |
(Event Management) | ||||
Bachelor of Communication | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,500 | 3 years | |
(International Communication) | ||||
Bachelor of Communication | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,500 | 3 years | |
(Media Studies) | ||||
Bachelor of Communication | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,500 | 3 years | |
(Public Relations) | ||||
Certificate in Communication | 5.5 | NZ$ 9,250 | ½ year | |
and Media Arts | ||||
Graduate Diploma in Event | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,500 | 1 year | |
Communication | ||||
Master of International | 6.5 | NZ$ 20,000 | 2 years | |
Communication | ||||
Postgraduate Diploma in | 6.5 | NZ$ 20,000 | 1 year | |
International Communication | ||||
Computing & Information Technology | ||||
Bachelor of Computing | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Systems | ||||
Certificate in Business | 5.5 | NZ$ 8,500 | ½ year | |
Administration and | ||||
Computing | ||||
Certificate in Business | 6 | NZ$ 8,500 | ½ year | |
Administration and | ||||
Computing | ||||
Certificate in Information | 6 | NZ$ 9,000 | ½ year | |
Technology | ||||
Diploma in Applied | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Computer Systems | ||||
Engineering | ||||
Diploma in Information | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
Technology Support | ||||
Doctor of Computing | 6.5 | NZ$ 21,000 | 3 years | |
Graduate Diploma in | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Computing | ||||
Master of Computing | 6.5 | NZ$ 19,500 | 2 years | |
Postgraduate Diploma in | 6.5 | NZ$ 19,500 | 1 years | |
Computing | ||||
Construction | ||||
Bachelor of Construction | 6 | NZ$ 18,500 | 2 years | |
(Construction Economics) | ||||
Bachelor of Construction | 6 | NZ$ 18,500 | 2 years | |
(Construction Management) | ||||
Bachelor of Construction | 6 | NZ$ 18,500 | 2 years | |
(Property Development) | ||||
National Diploma in | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
Architectural Technology | ||||
National Diploma in | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
Construction Management | ||||
National Diploma in | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
Quantity Surveying | ||||
Design & Visual Arts | ||||
Bachelor of Design and | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Visual Arts (Contemporary | ||||
Craft) | ||||
Bachelor of Design and | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Visual Arts (Graphic Design | ||||
and Animation) | ||||
Bachelor of Design and | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Visual Arts (Interior | ||||
Design) | ||||
Bachelor of Design and | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Visual Arts (Photography | ||||
and Media Arts) | ||||
Bachelor of Design and | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Visual Arts (Product and | ||||
Furniture Design) | ||||
Bachelor of Design and | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Visual Arts (Visual Arts) | ||||
Certificate in Design and | 5.5 | NZ$ 17,000 | ½ year | |
Visual Arts | ||||
Diploma in Contemporary | 6 | NZ$ 17,500 | 2 years | |
Craft (Exit Award) | ||||
Diploma in Contemporary | 6 | NZ$ 17,000 | 2 years | |
Photography (Exit Award) | ||||
Diploma in Graphic Design | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
and Animation (Exit Award) | ||||
Diploma in Interior Design | 6 | NZ$ 21,000 | 2 years | |
Studies (Exit Award) | ||||
Diploma in Product Design | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
Studies (Exit Award) | ||||
Diploma in Visual Arts | 6 | NZ$ 19,500 | 2 years | |
(Exit Award) | ||||
Master of Design | 6.5 | NZ$ 21,000 | 1 ½ year | |
Electrotechnology | ||||
Bachelor of Applied | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Technology – | ||||
Electrotechnology | ||||
Certificate in Applied | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Technology (Audio-Visual | ||||
Technician) | ||||
Certificate in Applied | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Technology (Electrical | ||||
Engineering) | ||||
Certificate in Applied | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1year | |
Technology (Electronics | ||||
Engineering) | ||||
Certificate in Electrical | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
and Electronic Engineering | ||||
Landscape Architecture | ||||
Bachelor of Landscape | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,500 | 4 years | |
Architecture | ||||
Diploma in Landscape | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
Design | ||||
Master of Landscape | 6.5 | NZ$ 21,000 | 1 ½ years | |
Architecture | ||||
Management & Marketing | ||||
Bachelor of Business | 6 | NZ$ 16,500 | 3 years | |
(Management) | ||||
Bachelor of Business | 6 | NZ$ 16,500 | 3 years | |
(Marketing) | ||||
Diploma in Management | 6 | NZ$ 17,000 | 1 year | |
Graduate Diploma in | 6.5 | NZ$ 16,500 | 1 year | |
Business (Human | ||||
Resource Management) | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 6.5 | NZ$ 16,500 | 1 year | |
Business (Marketing) | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 6.5 | NZ$ 16,500 | 1 year | |
Business (Operations | ||||
Management) | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 6.5 | NZ$ 16,500 | 1 year | |
Business (Sales | ||||
Management) | ||||
Master of Business | 6.5 | NZ$ 19,500 | 2 years | |
National Certificate in | 5.5 | NZ$ 3,139 | 12 weeks | |
Real Estate (Salesperson) | ||||
Postgraduate Diploma | 6.5 | NZ$ 19,500 | 1 year | |
in Business | ||||
Medical Imaging | ||||
Bachelor of Health | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Science (Medical Imaging) | ||||
Master of Health Science | 6.5 | NZ$ 20,000 | 2 years | |
(Medical Radiation | ||||
Technology) | ||||
Postgraduate Certificate | 6.5 | NZ$ 10,000 | 1 year | |
in Health Science – | ||||
Education and Supervision | ||||
Postgraduate Certificate | 6.5 | NZ$ 10,000 | 1 year | |
in Health Science – | ||||
Mammography | ||||
Natural Sciences | ||||
Bachelor of Applied | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Science (Animal | ||||
Management and | ||||
Welfare) | ||||
Bachelor of Applied | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Science (Biodiversity | ||||
Management) | ||||
Certificate in Animal | 6 | NZ$ 17,000 | 1 year | |
Management (Animal | ||||
Clinical Care) | ||||
Certificate in Animal | 6 | NZ$ 17,000 | 1 year | |
Management (Canine | ||||
Behaviour and Training) | ||||
Certificate in Animal | 6 | NZ$ 17,000 | 1 year | |
Management | ||||
Diploma in Veterinary | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
Nursing | ||||
Nursing and Osteopathy | ||||
Bachelor of Nursing | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,500(+ clinical fee) | 3 years | |
Master of Health Science | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
Bachelor of Applied | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Science (Human Biology) | ||||
Master of Osteopathy | 6.5 | NZ$ 21,000 | 2 years | |
Performing and Screen Arts | ||||
Bachelor of Performing | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
and Screen Arts (Acting | ||||
for Screen and Theatre) | ||||
Bachelor of Performing | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
and Screen Arts | ||||
(Contemporary Dance) | ||||
Bachelor of Performing | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
and Screen Arts (Directing | ||||
and Wrting) | ||||
Bachelor of Performing | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
and Screen Arts (Screen | ||||
Arts) | ||||
Certificate in Music | 5.5 | NZ$ 8,000 | 16 weeks | |
(Introduction) | ||||
Diploma in Contemporary | 6 | NZ$ 16,800 | 2 years | |
Music | ||||
Diploma in Performance | 6 | NZ$ 17,500 | 2 years | |
Technology | ||||
Graduate Diploma in | 6.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Creative Practice | ||||
Social Practice | ||||
Bachelor of Social Practice | 6 | NZ$ 17,000 | 3 years | |
(Community Development) | ||||
Bachelor of Social Practice | 6 | NZ$ 17,000 | 3 years | |
(Counselling) | ||||
Bachelor of Social Practice | 6 | NZ$ 17,000 | 3 years | |
(Social Work) | ||||
Certificate in Community | 5.5 | NZ$ 8,500per semester | 6 months | |
Skills | ||||
Master of Social Practice | 6.5 | NZ$ 10,000per semester | 2 years | |
Postgraduate Certificate | 6.5 | NZ$ 10,000 | 6 months | |
in Social Practice | ||||
Postgraduate Diploma | 6.5 | NZ$ 20,000 | 1 year | |
in Social Practice | ||||
Sport | ||||
Bachelor of Sport | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
(Coaching) | ||||
Bachelor of Sport | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
(Management) | ||||
Bachelor of Sport | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
(Physical Education) | ||||
Diploma in Sport and | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 2 years | |
Fitness Education | ||||
Travel and Tourism | ||||
Diploma in Tourism | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Leadership and | ||||
Management | ||||
Transport Technology | ||||
Bachelor of Applied | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Technology – | ||||
Automotive Engineering | ||||
Certificate in Applied | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Technology (Automotive | ||||
Engineering) | ||||
Certificate in Applied | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Technology (Autotronics) | ||||
Certificate in Automotive | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
and Mechanical Engineering | ||||
Bachelor of Applied | 6 | NZ$ 18,000 | 3 years | |
Technology – Marine | ||||
Certificate in Applied | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Technology (Boatbuilding) | ||||
Certificate in Applied | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Technology (Marine | ||||
Engineering Systems) | ||||
Certificate in Applied | 5.5 | NZ$ 18,000 | 1 year | |
Technology (Welding | ||||
and Fabrication) |
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